SEO Case Study: Never Fully Dressed

Never Fully Dressed (NFD), a dynamic player in the fashion industry, has established itself as a brand that transcends mere clothing. Based in the heart of the fashion-forward market, NFD targets individuals looking to express themselves through vibrant, impactful attire. Their mantra, “We make clothes to make you feel amazing,” is not just a tagline but the essence of their brand identity.

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April 2022



The Challenge

Despite a strong brand ethos and a loyal customer base, NFD faced the challenge of expanding their digital footprint in an increasingly saturated online marketplace.

Their objective was to not only increase their visibility on search engines but also to communicate their unique brand message of positivity, empowerment, and the transformative power of clothing.

The Results

  • UK organic traffic: from 2458 monthly searches to over 98872, over 3922% increase
  • Ranking UK keywords: from 484 keywords to 55592 over keywords, over 11385% increase

The comprehensive SEO campaign for Never Fully Dressed, spanning 18 months, led to unprecedented success in enhancing the brand’s online visibility and engagement within the UK market:

  • Surge in UK Organic Traffic: Over the 18-month period, Never Fully Dressed saw its monthly organic traffic in the UK leap from 2,458 searches to a remarkable 98,872. This surge represents an increase of over 3,922%, showcasing the effectiveness of the SEO strategies employed.
  • Dramatic Increase in Ranking Keywords: Equally impressive was the growth in the number of UK keywords the brand ranked for, which skyrocketed from 484 to 55,592. Achieving an increase of over 11,385%, this metric underscores the significant expansion of Never Fully Dressed’s digital footprint and relevance in search results over the course of the campaign.

These results, achieved over an 18-month campaign, not only demonstrate the power of well-executed SEO strategies but also highlight Never Fully Dressed’s commitment to connecting with a wider audience through its message of empowerment and joy.

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