Gabriel’s Hill – Dentist SEO Case Study

Gabriel’s Hill Dental Practice is a longstanding dental facility located in the heart of Maidstone. With over 40 years experience, the practice offers a wide range of dental services provided by a team of highly skilled professionals.

Project Information's


Gabriel’s Hill Dental Practice





The Challenge

Gabriel’s Hill Dental Practice faced the challenge of increasing patient bookings while also enhancing their brand awareness. As a dental practice with a long history in Maidstone, staying competitive and visible in a modern market required innovative strategies to attract new patients and retain existing ones, highlighting the importance of both effective marketing and exceptional patient care.

The Results

  • UK organic traffic: from 498 searches to over 670, over 36% increase over the span of 3 months
  • Ranking UK keywords: from 236 keywords to 370 keywords, over 56% increase

In just three months, Gabriel’s Hill Dental Practice saw significant improvements.

Their UK organic traffic increased by over 36%, going from 498 searches to more than 670.

The number of keywords for which they ranked in the UK also rose dramatically by over 56%, from 236 to 370 keywords.

Additionally, the practice experienced a 20% increase in new patient bookings, alongside greater local search visibility and brand awareness.

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